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Pimp in a White Suit

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post #1 by tootbrush on 27.10.2011 19:59 (vote: hidden)

(aka Last Exile: Sunadokei no Tabibito)

In addition to the Fam manga, this direct sequel to Last Exile (making it a prequel to Fam) just started serialisation. If you're one of those people that don't like the Fam anime for some reason, you might want to check it out, since it features the original main characters' (Claus, Lavie & Alvis) adventures on Earth.

Chapter 0 was scanlated today, but unfortunately it's just a short prologue with no new information.



Pimp in a White Suit

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post #2 by ferian on 27.10.2011 20:12

Thanks for the info. I never even considered looking for a Last Exile manga somehow so I'd definitely miss out on this.



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post #3 by kasumi92 on 28.10.2011 08:41 (vote: hidden)

I'm not a manga person so I guess I'll just wait for it to be animated.



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post #4 by al429 on 28.10.2011 11:23 (vote: hidden)

Hmm.......looks like GONZO is just doing what everyone else is doing to try to milk a concept. Not that I am complaining since I was wondering when they would do a Last Exile manga with Renji Murata's original artwork and such. In my opinion Last Exile was one of those series that would of worked better as a manga series rather than a anime series.

Anyhow, I'll see if I can look into it since manga of this kind that spun out of a TV anime and not having came out as manga originally is a bit hard to come by outside of Japan and information on the manga is little to non-existent initially at this point in time.



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post #5 by Varaxis on 12.12.2011 00:53 (vote: hidden)

3 chapters scanlated now. I'm just reading this to get the gist of what's going on in this new series. I don't typically read manga, but they are extremely quick and easy reads.



Nine-Tailed Frog

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post #6 by ark6481 on 12.12.2011 04:54

Looks good so far. Nice to see Claus, Levi and Alvis again and that they've all made it back to Earth. Hopefully nothing terrible happened and they'll show up later in the Fam anime.



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post #7 by Varaxis on 22.12.2011 20:40 (vote: hidden)


I thought he was shot [and presumably died] raiding that guild engine/power core center, where they stopped the guild from recalling any more cores and crippling everyone's airship capabilities.

Apparently he survived, according to this manga.



Pimp in a White Suit

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post #8 by tootbrush on 22.12.2011 20:47 (vote: hidden)

Varaxis wrote:

I thought he died raiding that guild engine/power core center, where stopped the guild guys who were recalling cores and crippling everyone's airship capabilities.

If you didn't notice, he was alive at the end of the series, playing with that kid in the wheat field.

I like how naughty Alister is in this manga.



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post #9 by Varaxis on 22.12.2011 21:07 (vote: hidden)

I recall that scene, but I didn't notice Mullin in it, I guess. Maybe I simply remembered it as

a man going down honorably, with Dunya's reaction creating a powerful scene that helped imprint the memories of him clearly in your mind, rather than some weak outcome that detracted from that scene's impact.

Alis... funny, but devilish. A good combo.



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post #10 by mangaka-erwin on 25.12.2011 23:08

I wonder if there will be 13 episodes or 21 episodes?!
Is there anyone who can give an answer, because the official site of Last Exile does not have an answer for everything.



Pimp in a White Suit

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post #11 by tootbrush on 28.06.2012 14:17 (vote: hidden)

Didn't have as much substance as I hoped it would, especially regarding Claus's state in LEFam, but it was a nice side story that tied up some loose ends from the original anime (mainly Tatiana's character arc).



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post #12 by venezolano on 03.01.2013 14:34 (vote: hidden)

tootbrush wrote:

Didn't have as much substance as I hoped it would, especially regarding Claus's state in LEFam, but it was a nice side story that tied up some loose ends from the original anime (mainly Tatiana's character arc).

Did it ended already?


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